Rabiya Jaffery




ESG & Human Rights Ethical Labour Practices Supply Chain Management Investigative Research


GCC South Asia


Independent Researcher, 2018-2024


University of Oxford, MSc in Migration Studies

University of Murdoch, Dubai, Bachelors in Communication (Journalism)


Urdu Hindi Arabic

Rabiya Jaffery is an Associate in Wallbrook’s Human Rights practice, where she specialises in human rights due diligence, responsible recruitment, and ethical labour practices.

Before joining Wallbrook, Rabiya spent five years researching worker welfare in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Her research covered the construction, energy, technology, manufacturing, and retail sectors.

Originally from Pakistan, Rabiya was raised in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. She leverages her in-depth understanding of the region, academic expertise, and strong network of local contacts to skilfully conduct complex investigations and provide informed advisory services to clients.

Rabiya has also been involved in research projects in the broader MENA region, South Asia, and Europe. Besides the GCC, Rabiya has conducted in-depth and on-the-ground research in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Pakistan, Nepal, Germany, and the UK.

She holds a master’s degree in Migration Studies from the University of Oxford and was an inaugural scholar for the highly competitive Oxford Pakistan Programme. As part of her master’s degree, Rabiya conducted research on how changes in migration management systems within the GCC influence the local state-business-labour nexus.

She speaks fluent Urdu and Hindi.